
Zinnia Drupal provides custom management commands for importing blogs from Drupal database. The commands are:

  • drupal62zinnia, for importing users, categories, content, and comments from Drupal 6 MySQL database.


The command can be called via:

python drupal62zinnia [OPTIONS] database_name

The database_name should be the name of the Drupal database. By default this database is assumed to be hosted by a MySQL server on the same host where the command is run.

The following options are available (in addition to standard ones):

--database-hostname|-H DATABASE_HOSTNAME
Hostname of database server providing the Drupal database. Default is localhost.
--database-port|-p DATABASE_PORT
TCP port at which the database server is listening. Default is 3306.
--database-username|-u DATABASE_USERNAME
Username that should be used for connecting to database server. Default is root.
--database-password|-P DATABASE_PASSWORD_FILE
Path to file containing the password for specified database username. If not set (default), the password will be read interactively.
--node-type|-n NODE_TYPE
Drupal Node type that should be processed. Default is blog.
--user-mapping|-m USER_MAPPING
Mapping of Drupal usernames to Zinnia usernames. Format is duser1=zuser1:duser2=zuser2:...:dusern=zusern. Default is to use same username as in Drupal.
--users|-U USERS
Comma-separated list of Drupal users that should be imported, including user-created content. Default is to import content from all users.
Import comments while preserving threading information. Requires zinnia-threaded-comments application. Default is not to use threaded comments.


Import all blog entries for user john:

python drupal62zinnia -u dbuser -U john drupaldb

Import all blog entries for user John Doe, but map the user to user john in Zinnia:

python drupal62zinnia -u dbuser -U john -m 'John Doe=john' drupaldb

Import all blog entries for all users, but map user John Doe to user john in Zinnia:

python drupal62zinnia -u dbuser -m 'John Doe=john' drupaldb

Import all static pages for all users (treat them as blog entries), connecting to external database server listening on non-default port, and also use threaded comments:

python drupal62zinnia -H -p 3307 -u dbuser -n page -t drupaldb

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